
Goodreads Review: The Evil That Men Do

The Evil That Men Do: FBI Profiler Roy Hazelwood's Journey into the Minds of Serial KillersThe Evil That Men Do: FBI Profiler Roy Hazelwood’s Journey into the Minds of Serial Killers by Stephen G. Michaud

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

While the book as a whole might be mildly interesting to those of us who enjoy reading about morbid things like serial rapists and murderers, I can’t say that I wholeheartedly recommend it. The writing style tends to dip at little into the sensationalistic, which seems to spoil the feel of fact-based information that it was trying to convey, and it lacks a consistent voice.

Also, it seems like almost everything is just a brief “snapshot.” There’s not really enough information to really dig your teeth into in any of the cases that are explored, with most of them taking up a page to a page and a half, usually amounting to “Hazelwood was right, the bad guy was caught, go ’Merica.” I would have liked some more in-depth analysis of how the profilers came to the conclusions they did, and what impact – if any – that had on the case as a whole and those involved in it such as victims, family members and all levels of law enforcement. There’s a bit of interesting material, here, but really the most fleshed out and useful intel to be gleaned is that relating to the creation of the BSU and how sexually-motivated crime was dealt with before and after that event.

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