

Been a while, hasn’t it?

No surprise there. Trying to pretend any of this matters, let alone managing to focus my thoughts for long enough to type something meaningful has become nigh impossible between my assorted basket of mental and physical issues and the melange of drugs they’ve been cycling through to “treat” them.

But this is the last time you’ll be hearing from me. I give up. I don’t know why I thought I could do something, make something, in the first place, or why I kept fighting against the first rule of the world, the one I should have learned when my mother tried to burn me to death as an infant but somehow needed to be reminded of again and again and again for 44 years before finally getting it through my head. I’m worthless, I’m stupid, and I exist only to suffer and only so long as I continue to tolerate the pain.

My tolerance is gone.

Site’s paid up through August, so I guess it’ll sit there in the dark gathering cobwebs until then at least. After that, my last traces vanish. I’m liable to be gone before that, so no great loss.

If anyone’s interested, I’ve got a lot of random stuff I don’t need any more. If anyone’s interested, there’s the rights to five books that no one cares about, a few hundred pages of scribbles, ideas or dead manuscripts, a PS3, PS4, PS5, PSVR 2 and PS Vita (featuring an account with roughly 800 digital licenses, $50 in store credit, a PS+ Premium subscription good through February ‘25, roughly 27.5k trophies and a user level of 740), an Xbox Series X (with around 50 digital licenses and a GamePass Ultimate sub that’s good through the end of March), a Switch Lite (about 20 licenses and Nintendo Switch Online access until January ‘25), a ten year old iMac that still works okay and a 3 year old iPad Pro with Apple Keyboard up for grabs. Somethin’ you want, hit me up. Free. I don’t care and don’t need any of it.


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